Whitney Wilson

B.S. Business Management (Human Resources concentration) at UAB

Master of Business Administration at UAB.

Whitney has worked in graduate recruitment at a global professional services firm for the last 8 years and has previous experience with tertiary student career development. She is passionate about early career development.

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Delivering Striver 2.0

The next evolution for Striver includes mid-tier accounting firms on the platform who have a genuine need to engage with, and hire, the next generation of ambitious graduate accounting professionals. As a Striver, existing or emerging, you will have the opportunity to be represented to the growing community of 180+ businesses who are committed to invest in emerging talent.

Striver 2.0 Business Journey

What's new?
Striver is a platform that provides the Accounting Profession with the early career seeker and graduate 
talent they need to help their business grow. Since inception, we have placed more than 500 talented graduates and early career seekers into their first career role.

Striver 2.0 Student Journey

What’s new?
This evolution of the Striver Platform opens a new pathway for early job seekers to maximise their connections and opportunities, within an expanded network of Striver Businesses – in financial planning, accounting and the broader financial services industry.

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